Crisis Management

Crisis Management

Organizational crisis can take many forms – cyber, legal, reputational, environmental, physical, and more. But regardless of its form, crisis will have an immediate and direct impact on all aspects of your business. Therefore, truly effective crisis management requires both preparation for and management of emergency situations when they occur. Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan LLP (“FSS”) helps you to navigate through those turbulent waters with experienced professionals who both prepare you for and help you respond to crisis, while working under the attorney-client privilege. When a crisis happens and you need experience at your side, FSS is there with quick, smart, strategic solutions.

Our Legal Services

Our areas of service include:

  • We will work with your team to develop an appropriate crisis management action plan so that when a crisis does happen you will know how to respond.
  • FSS will also work with you during any crisis to manage messaging to employees, customers, stakeholders, and the public
  • FSS will perform the investigation and fact-gathering in preparation for any potential litigation.
  • We will be at your side to assist in business continuity and to review and analyze the event to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • We investigate the root cause to minimize company liability wherever possible.

Contact Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan LLP

Here at FSS, we understand the importance of quality legal advice and action. Our goal is to protect you and your business. Contact FSS to schedule your initial consultation with our firm today.